Impacts of land use, land cover and climate changes on streamflow in the upper lufira catchment, D.R. Congo
Urbain,Tshanika Mumba
Impacts of land use, land cover and climate changes on streamflow in the upper lufira catchment, D.R. Congo - Dar es salaam: University Of Dar es salaam: 2022. - xiii,66p,; ill,; 30cm.
Includes Bibliographical references
Thesis: MIWRM - University Of Dar es salaam.
Climatic change
Land use
Upper infira catchment
D.R Congo
THS EAF QCP03.2C74U733
Impacts of land use, land cover and climate changes on streamflow in the upper lufira catchment, D.R. Congo - Dar es salaam: University Of Dar es salaam: 2022. - xiii,66p,; ill,; 30cm.
Includes Bibliographical references
Thesis: MIWRM - University Of Dar es salaam.
Climatic change
Land use
Upper infira catchment
D.R Congo
THS EAF QCP03.2C74U733