Encouraging diversity: the conservation and development of plan genetic resource
Conny Almekinders
Encouraging diversity: the conservation and development of plan genetic resource - London; Intermediate technology publication ltd, 2000. - xxxiii,362p. : ill. ; 23cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index
1 85339 510 2
Immigrant-government policy
Social intergration- government policy
Multicutwalism- german
JV8090. B47 E53
Encouraging diversity: the conservation and development of plan genetic resource - London; Intermediate technology publication ltd, 2000. - xxxiii,362p. : ill. ; 23cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index
1 85339 510 2
Immigrant-government policy
Social intergration- government policy
Multicutwalism- german
JV8090. B47 E53